Guide to Artifacts INDEX to Volume 25
with related research in the field of


The C Squares 2-3

*****The decision to start the Shutler Profile around the 34 meter mark (as measured from the road) was rather arbitrary and as it turned out there were many important finds hidden just a few meters before that point. The C Squares turned out to be very interesting with a number of whole adzes and a comparatively large number fishhooks. However the interest of certain finds was due more to their unusual nature, for instance an unfinished well pecked tool (possibly plano convex adze) was recovered well below the evident layers in clean sand see Diagram 25.6 and photo. Even before this remarkable and lucky find ( some excavators stop once into clean sand) was a discovery that was again below the main evident layers. Found in the first C square (0 - 1/C) in a discoloured, light gray intrusion (see photo) that seemed to be running under the main lowest layer. Here again one might have stopped excavating in this deep pocket of discoloured but relatively clean sand. I was already worn out with the weeks of work and now developing a sort of tennis elbow. I had recruited my girlfriend and even she was getting tired of carefully finding very little. Looking down into the square from the top where I was screening the excavated material it was tempting to think that something was just a bit further down.... and suddenly a very unusual and fragile complete fishhook was uncovered, discovered.

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